a shotgun mergerの例文
shotgun merger
Unable to raise money, some companies had to close or enter into shotgun mergers.

acquisition and merger
Traditionally, the biggest bond sales have been related to acquisitions and mergers. USA Waste will continue to seek new acquisitions and mergers, Nevins said. We will not rule out acquisi......

allow money-losing enterprise to merger
Allow money - losing enterprise to merger

american football league - national football league merger
Only one team hasn't won as much as a division title since the 1970 American Football League-National Football League merger. Since the 1970 American Football League-National Football Leag......

aol time warner merger
The process was triggered by the federal review of the AOL Time Warner merger. The AOL Time Warner merger only cost Ted Turner his page in the Braves media guide. The AOL Time Warner merge......

bank merger
The fees are comparable to payments made in other major bank mergers. The story of Malaysia's bank merger plan is a case in point. He said his office had received many more proposals of ba......

bank merger act
The Court also held that the Bank Merger Act of 1960 was not intended to displace the Clayton Act : " Congress plainly did not intend the 1960 Act to extinguish other sources of federal re......

bankruptcy and merger of enterprises
We need to appropriately increase the capital reserves in banks available to write off non - performing loans and bad debts , and we will use them mainly for bankruptcies and mergers of en......

big merger
Big mergers in the fast-moving computer business have a poor track record. This is the second big merger announcement involving a Southern California grocer. Whenever you have big mergers ......

black hole merger
2016 Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger. That's kind of what a black hole merger is like. :As far as I know, the details of black hole mergers is still an o......

business merger
Meanwhile, the business merger between the Yankees and the Nets remains incomplete. Now, the nationwide business merger craze has even trickled down to outdoor gear. As vice president, Gib......

cash merger
Three independent directors will make up the special committee reviewing the proposed cash merger. The transaction resulted in the payment of approximately $ 26.4 billion in cash merger co......

chinese reverse merger
A 2013 study by Charles Lee of Stanford University found that : " Chinese reverse mergers performed much better than their reputation " and had performed better than other similar sized pu......

company merger
Investors were intrigued by a proposed beer company merger, however. Adkins has unsuccessfully attempted to block other insurance company mergers and transactions. The companies merger pla......

company merger and restructuring
We will impose a cap at $ 30, 000 per case, which will benefit company mergers and restructuring activities involving large share issues.

conglomerate merger
There are two basic forms of non-horizontal mergers : vertical mergers and conglomerate mergers. Many conglomerate mergers are divested shortly after they are completed. "' Conglomerate me......

consolidation and merger
Consolidation and mergers are familiar terms to bank workers in Malaysia. There will be continued speculation surrounding consolidation and mergers in the banking and insurance sector. We ......

consolidation by merger
Consolidation by merger

corporate merger
A record pace for corporate mergers is boosting investment banking fees. Several corporate mergers, however, involve the transfer of stock. Their proposed marriage will be the largest corp......

corporate merger and acquisition
By any measure, corporate mergers and acquisitions dominated business news in 1998. We have no control over these corporate mergers and acquisitions. YEAR-BUSINESS ( Undated )-- By any mea......

cot caught merger
The cot caught merger is not complete in its transition and therefore the distinction remains between the two sets; the completed merger, however, is found to the west, in Pittsburgh and C......

de facto merger
Some courts require only one factor, others require all, and others still have entirely different factors when deciding if a transaction is a de facto merger. Most courts, particularly in ......

defensive merger
"This is a purely defensive merger, " said a senior executive at a leading American bank. Friday's result could doom Telecom Italia's proposed defensive merger with its German counterpart,......

doctrine of merger
Solicitation is also subject to the doctrine of merger, which applies in situations where the person solicited actually commits the crime. Historically, the "'merger doctrine "'( a . k . a......

encourage merger
The Pentagon itself has been encouraging mergers to insure the industry's health. The Securities Commission ( SC ) has encouraged mergers among these firms. Mustapa said the Government wil......